Yokpetch TaiPhetchaburi

4W 0L 0D

Yokpetch TaiPhetchaburi

About Yokpetch TaiPhetchaburi

Yokpetch TaiPhetchaburi is Muay Thai fighter. With a record of 4-0-0, .

Tale of the Tape

  • Name:
    Yokpetch TaiPhetchaburi
  • Record:








Fight History

W 2024
W 2024
W 2024
W 2024

Fight History

Wins (100%)
Wins by Knockout / TKO (100%)
Wins by Decision (0 %)
Losses (0%)
By Knockout / TKO (0%)
By Decision (0 %)

Fight Record

WIN KO R3- 52.61 KG / 116 LBS -Muay Thai
15th May 2024 - Muay Thai Palangmai
Yokpetch TaiPhetchaburi defeated Yodyokpetch Lookboonmee by knockout in round 3.
WIN TKO R5- 53.20 KG / 117 LBS -Muay Thai
10th Apr 2024 - Muay Thai Palangmai
Yokpetch TaiPhetchaburi defeated Santirat TdedLoNgern by technical knockout in round 5.
WIN KO R1- 52.16 KG / 115 LBS -Muay Thai
6th Mar 2024 - Muay Thai Palangmai
Yokpetch TaiPhetchaburi defeated Yokmungkorn MiamiCondoBangpu by knockout in round 1.
WIN TKO R1- 51.71 KG / 114 LBS -Muay Thai
12th Feb 2024 - Muay Thai Pantamit
Yokpetch TaiPhetchaburi defeated Pornpitak OmSatun by technical knockout in round 1.