The Rise of Muay Thai in the UK
© ONE Championship


The Rise of Muay Thai in the UK

9 months ago | Published: 2nd September 2023

Key Information:

  • There are over 750 dedicated Muay Thai gyms in the UK.
  • Over 400 MMA gyms now offer Muay Thai training.
  • It’s estimated that over 100,000 people practise Muay Thai regularly in the UK (in 2023).

Muay Thai has witnessed remarkable growth in the UK and is emerging as one of the fastest-growing sports in the nation. This surge in popularity can be attributed to several factors: the global appeal of MMA, influential combat sports organisations like the UFC and ONE Championship, and the powerful impact of UK-based figures in the combat world.

The MMA Effect: Using Muay Thai for the Stand-up Game

The meteoric rise of MMA in global sports has led many aspiring fighters to seek comprehensive training for their stand-up game. Muay Thai, with its versatility and effectiveness, has become the preferred choice for many.

Many top-tier UFC fighters, known for their striking prowess, have backgrounds in or have integrated Muay Thai into their training regimes. Fighters like Jose Aldo, renowned for his devastating leg kicks, and Joanna Jędrzejczyk, former UFC Women’s Strawweight Champion and a multiple-time Muay Thai world champion, serve as prime examples. Their success in the Octagon, in no small part due to their Muay Thai skills, has prompted countless others to explore the martial art.

Furthermore, even fighters without a formal Muay Thai background have begun incorporating its techniques into their training. The teep (push kick), clinch work, and the signature elbow strikes of Muay Thai are now common sights in MMA bouts.

UFC's Global Dominance Fuels Interest in MMA

The unprecedented growth of the UFC has significantly influenced the rise of MMA – and by extension, Muay Thai – in the UK and worldwide. The octagon's global stage showcases the synergy of various martial arts, with Muay Thai often taking centre stage in striking battles.

From 2017 to 2022, the UFC witnessed a 150% increase in global viewership and expanded its events to over 30 countries. his unparalleled growth has cemented the UFC's position as the leading MMA promotion and has, in turn, significantly boosted the rise of MMA and Muay Thai, both in the UK and worldwide.

The Octagon, UFC's iconic fighting cage, serves as a melting pot for martial arts, demonstrating the seamless integration of various combat styles from across the globe. Muay Thai, with its deadly elbow strikes, clinch game, and punishing kicks, frequently takes the centre stage during stand-up exchanges in MMA bouts. Fighters who excel in these techniques capture the attention of fans and analysts alike, further elevating Muay Thai's profile in the combat sports community.

The UFC's strategic partnerships, television deals, and fighter signings from diverse martial arts backgrounds, including Muay Thai champions, accentuate its influence on the sport's global trajectory.